Surgical Instructions

After Pre-Denture Procedure Surgery Instruction

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After your Pre-Denture Procedure Surgery, it’s essential to follow these post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing and achieve the best possible outcome:

1. Bleeding

  • Initial Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal for the first 24 hours. Bite gently on the gauze pads placed over the surgical area for 30-45 minutes.
  • Persistent Bleeding: If bleeding continues, replace the gauze with a new one and apply gentle pressure for another 30 minutes. Avoid spitting, as this can prolong bleeding.

2. Pain Management

  • Pain Medication: Take the prescribed pain medication as directed. If over-the-counter pain relief is recommended, use it as needed.
  • Avoid Aspirin: Aspirin can increase bleeding. If you need pain relief, choose alternatives like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

3. Swelling

  • Ice Application: Apply an ice pack to the outside of your face near the surgical site for the first 24 hours. Use it in 20-minute intervals (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off).
  • Elevation: Keep your head elevated, especially while sleeping, to help reduce swelling.

4. Gum Sutures

  • Suture Care: If you have sutures in your gums, be careful not to disturb them with your tongue, toothbrush, or while eating.
  • Dissolving Sutures: Most sutures used in gum surgery are dissolvable and will disappear on their own within 7-10 days. If your sutures are not dissolvable, your dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment to remove them.
  • Monitor for Infection: Keep an eye on the suture area for signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or pus. Contact your dentist immediately if you notice these symptoms.

5. Diet

    • Initial Diet: Stick to a soft diet for the first few days. Avoid hot, spicy, or acidic foods, as well as foods with small particles that can irritate the surgical site.
    • Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid using straws, as the sucking motion can disrupt healing.

6. Oral Hygiene

  • First 24 Hours: Avoid rinsing your mouth vigorously or brushing the surgical area on the day of the procedure.
  • After 24 Hours: Begin gentle rinsing with a saltwater solution (1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water) after meals. Continue this for a week.
  • Brushing: You may resume normal brushing, avoiding the surgical site, after 24 hours. Be gentle around the sutures.

7. Activity

  • Rest: Take it easy for the first 24-48 hours. Avoid strenuous activities, bending over, or heavy lifting, which can increase bleeding.
  • Gradual Return: Gradually resume normal activities as you feel comfortable.

8. Denture Use

  • Follow Instructions: Follow your dentist’s specific instructions regarding the use of your temporary or permanent dentures after surgery.
  • Adjustment Period: It may take some time to get used to your dentures. If you experience significant discomfort, contact your dentist for an adjustment.

9. Follow-Up

  • Scheduled Appointment: Be sure to attend your follow-up appointment as instructed by your dentist to monitor healing and progress.
  • Contact Your Dentist: If you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding, signs of infection (such as fever or foul odor), or any other concerning symptoms, contact your dentist immediately.

By carefully following these instructions, you can promote effective healing and reduce the risk of complications after your pre-denture procedure.

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